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Meet Certified MiMo Pros!

Gretchen Gegg, M.Ed.
is the creative mind behind The MiMo Method & the Body Freedom Specialist certification.  She still coaches individuals, but only as private clients. You can find more information on her private coaching by clicking here!

Get Your MiMo Method Coach!
This team of coaches have a professional background in health, wellness, fitness, medicine and/or mental health.  They have also been through the Body Freedom Specialist program to learn to work with clients who are ready to ditch toxic diet/exercise culture.  Read more about their specialty and get started on The MiMo Method today!


Jessica Black
loves helping moms feel comfortable in their bodies so they can live the life of their dreams. As someone who has experienced her own journey to body freedom, she is fully equipped to help you on your journey to total and lasting health through The MiMo Method. Jessica is also a certified life coach (CLC) and M.A.M.A. Mentor. 


Liz Birkeland
is a certified covenant life coach who specializes in helping her clients get off the diet and exercise "ferris-wheel-to-nowhere".  With Liz, you will get freedom from limiting beliefs, clarity on next steps and everything you need to maintain your results long-term. 

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Shaye Woodward
believes that living healthy isn't about size.  It's about living and loving who we are and where we are on our path and process. As a certified covenant coach and MiMo instructor, her focus leans toward helping those that struggle with blood sugar-related issues and the frustration/overwelm that can accompany it.


Kelly Wright, PA-C
has a heart for moms like her who wear the hat of doctor/NA/PA and care for kids with extra needs. These medical moms often develop health issues of their own in the midst of the overwhelm of caring for others.  By incorporating personal medical history and labwork Kelly helps Medical Moms feel fabulous in their own bodies!

Learn more aout BFS cert

Want to be a MiMo Pro?

Your first step is to go through the Body Freedom Specialist Program.  Upon completion, you can be licensed to offer The MiMo Method program and listed as a coach on this page.  

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